Snack or Apetizer this dish will certainly hit the spot. It's easy and oh, oh soooooo good!
So here is how to make this combination of sweet and russet potatoes topped with Dew Chilli.
I like to use the two different potatoes Sweet and Russet. Wash them well and pat dry.
Cut the potatoes into wedges, leaving the Skin on, and place them in a large bowl.
Drizzle with olive oil, I like to use extra virgin Olive Oil, and then sprinkle with kosher salt and toss to coat.
Place the wedges on a baking sheet and roast at 400-degree for 15-20 minutes, turning them once or twice until the potatoes are golden.

Crack open the Dew family size Cans Chilli. If you are going to eat the dish right away, you'll want to slowly warm up some of the Chilli, If you are having the dish later you can heat later,
But take a generous serving of Dew Chilli and cover your potatoes as you desire. Some like a hint of Chilli, others, like me, like a lot.
Chilli not used place bowl that can be sealed, or zip lock and seal and freeze to use later.
If you're not having the dish right away you can refrigerate until ready to serve. It's a great dish to cook ahead of time.
When ready to serve it up, just microwave on high for 2 minutes or until the potatoes and chilli are warmed through.
Garnish with feta cheese, sliced cherry tomatoes and cilantro. You can also add other cheeses if you are like me and love cheese.
It's that simple and oh so good.