Dew Chilli Parlor's of America has been part of the Springfield and surrounding communities for over 111-years. The Coronavirus crisis has taken a toll on our community. All of us at the Dew have been impacted, but we are fighting.
Our community has supported us for over a century, and we feel we need to help during these troubled times. We see many people pulling together for our all important medial first responders, and others who are sacrificing so much during this crisis. We urge you to continue to support those efforts. But, we are concerned our most vulnerable may be forgotten as we all fight to survive.
Dew Chilli Parlor's of America wants to help our Seniors. They are scared, they, in many cases are not mobile, and also are alone. Remember, they were their for us early in our lives; it's time for us to be there for them now when they need us most.
We have never done anything like this before, but who has? We feel with the help of our community, The Springfield, Chatham, Rochester Communities in Illinois, we can make this happen.
We want to make sure our Seniors are properly fed. There are organizations that help the seniors, but those organizations are reporting that they are stretched thin because of this crisis, and that they may have to start turning Senior Citizens away who seek help. We can not let that happen. This is where we hope we can make a difference by making sure every senior who needs a hot meal gets one.
The funds raised here will go toward feeding our Seniors. We ask if you know of a Senior or, Seniors themselves who need help, to contact us at the Dew for a hot nutritional meal our cooks have prepared. Example, Grilled Chicken, Green Beans and Potato's Baked or Mashed. Other Menu Items can be found at
The Donations will go to buy the product, and pay the staff as we serve our community. We are asking you and our Area Churches to help us get these meals to our Seniors. We will not ask the Seniors for any money. The funds raised will cover the cost of staff and product. As long as there are funds there will be a meal to send.
As we begin this journey we are starting off with Once a week distribution of meals. If we reach our goal we will get the ball rolling. For Now, Meals will be distributed Every Tuesday as close to Lunch Time as Possible depending on demand and funds raised. If there is enough funds and a greater demand we will add another day and grow as much as we can. If the Dew Good "Feed Our Seniors" Program demands it we will ask other area Restaurants to join in our efforts to feed our seniors. But for now this is how we are starting off.
Thank you
Mike and John
Dew Chilli Parlor's of America LLC.
Go Fund Me Page and Donations: